New Logo IAL


The Old Anglo-Catholic Movement 1515 through 

The Latin-American Anglican Church 1975


Spanish IAL - IAL English


With Federal Register of the Government of the United States of North America - Year 2000 - (Update Year 2019)

With Mercantile Registry of the State of California of the United States - Year 2003 - (Update Year 2019).


Our contribution and opinion on "Fofo Márquez"
Nuestro aporte y opinión sobre "Fofo Márquez"


The Old Anglo-Catholic Movement 1515


2940 16th Street, Suite 2924-7, San Francisco, California, 94103. The United States

Office Phone: +1.415.424.9223. - Secretary Phone: +1.415.740.2717.

Primate Phone: +1.323.412.9337. - Information Phone: +1.647.875.4597.

President Phone: +1.647.366.8193. - Communications Phone: +1.647.766.4597.


Primate Email: ... Emeritus Email:



Migrations or Banishment - Famine is Coming -  Leadership Standards Here 

 Leo-Mystics -    Archiepiscopal Audios Archiepiscopal Agenda 


You can donate directly Here ... Usted puede donar directamente Aquí ... 

Können Sie direkt spenden Hier ... Pode doar diretamente Aqui ...


Virgen Walsingham


We use the Holy Bible Reina Valera and Jerusalem version, and Nacar y Colunga Versionalong with the 1928 Book of Common Prayer, and the USA Anglican Missals, with links to Daily Office Lessons, propers Mass. Streamed Sunday Masses, Saints Hagiographies. We were organized in Latin America in 1975 under the auspices of Anglo-Catholics Missionaries who arrived in Bogota City, Republic of Colombia (South America) directly from England and especially from the City of London (They were The Missionaries Monks Of Saint Lawrence).


Arcbishop Brother Louis Wahl


Archbishop Louis Wahl Falk III: Let us pray for the blessed repose of the consecrated soul of our Archbishop Louis Wahl Falk III. Former Primate of our Anglican Church in America, who entered eternal life on January 23, 2025, at 89. Grant him, O Lord, eternal rest, and may perpetual light shine upon him. 
May all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace... Amen 
Arzobispo Louis Wahl Falk III: Oremos por el bendito descanso del alma consagrada de nuestro Arzobispo Louis Wahl Falk III. Otrora Primado de nuestra Iglesia Anglicana en America y quien entró en la vida eterna el 23 de enero de 2025 a la edad de 89 años. Concédele, Señor, el descanso eterno y que brille para él la luz perpetua. Que todas las Almas de los fieles difuntos descansen en paz... Amén 


Bishop Brother Richard


Bishop Richard Williamson: Bishop Richard Williamson of the SSPX passed away this morning (25-01-2025) after suffering a brain hemorrhage. Pray for the repose of his soul! Eternal rest grant unto thy servant, Bishop Richard Williamson, O Lord. Let him enter into the place of refreshment, light, and peace. May He and all of the Faithful Departed, through the mercies of God, rest in peace!
Obispo Richard Williamson: El Obispo Richard Williamson de la FSSPX falleció esta mañana (25-01-2025), tras sufrir una hemorragia cerebral. ¡Oremos por el descanso de su alma! Concede, Señor, el descanso eterno a tu siervo Richard Williamson. Haz que entre en el lugar del descanso, la luz y la paz.  
¡Que él y todos los fieles difuntos, por la misericordia de Dios, descansen en paz!


Bishop Brother Daniel Saah


On August 7, Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ 2025, the Very Reverend Priest Daniel Saah (date of birth, March 29, 1984) will be ratified in all his orders and consecrated as Bishop. The day before (August 6), Deacons and Priests from India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Nepal, Laos and Vietnam will be ordained. Brother Daniel Saah will be nominated and appointed, with God's help, as Auxiliary Bishop to Archbishop Leonardo for Canada and Visitor Bishop for the countries of the Middle East including the Philippines. Our Anglo-Catholic Christian organization processed his legal entry to North America from the city of Beirut (Lebanon), under the regulations and immigration requirements of the Canadian Government under the advice of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.


He has a degree in Philosophy, a degree in Theology, a Bachelor's degree in Nursing, and a university doctorate in Research Sciences. He speaks and writes 5 languages, including English and Arabic. We thank the Canadian government and the representatives of the Ministry of Immigration for their excellent work and all the organizations that joined together to sponsor the travel and accommodation expenses of the visiting missionaries. We thank Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for his prompt action towards Brother Daniel Saah by quickly and expressly granting him Permanent Residence so that he can carry out his pastoral work and civilly perform the work entrusted to him as a professional.


Holy Matrimony Matrimony




While we do not persecute sexual preference or question the individual decisions of persons or couples, our organization only marries in Holy Matrimony a woman (Female) to a man (Male), who fully manifests security under the sacrament of Love. For all marriages within the territories of the United States, Mexico, and Canada, marriage certificates (bearing the IAL-OACM seals and logos) must bear the authorization and signature of the Primate Archbishop of the United States to be valid. Suppose one of our members or associate clergy signs certificates or blesses same-sex couples, in that case, that ecclesiastical and legal decision is that of the responsible clergy, not the Old Anglo-Catholic Movement. Therefore, each person will interpret such action in his or her way. Let us suppose that someone in particular feels offended in that case, he/she should resort to civil law as long as it does not affect the faith that we inherited from primitive Christianity, and in no case should the error of the protagonist be used to apply new inquisitions. Our Church will not ordain or consecrate men if they tend to marry same-sex couples. If someone takes advantage of evangelization to make an apology for homosexuality or to do business with the sacraments, these are cases with particular interests, and for the Church, it is a mistake of the executor. In any case, these acts that imitate a sacred marriage are not from our Church and do not belong to our tradition. The sacraments must be sacred and respected by all equally, whether they are believers, non-believers, Christians, non-Christians, atheists, agnostics, different or people far from the faith in Jesus Christ. Thank you very much.


Virgen Stephen


Traveling to South America Amazon Region countries (from January 2025 to April 2025):

General Instructions for civil, military, and ecclesiastical authorities, civic leaders, governments, environmental organizations, animal rights organizations, human rights organizations, Christian and non-Christian churches, popular leaders, unions, educators, artists, scientists, entrepreneurs, creatives, innovators, companies, athletes, and the general population, located within the continental territory of the South American Amazon Region (Trilingual Agro-Industrial Technical Institute) - Educational Project ...


Saint Lawrence


Traveling to Asia and African countries (from May 2025 to December 2025):

General Instructions for those who wish to voluntarily participate in the IAL-OACM Missionary Agenda 2025 where Archbishop Leonardo Marin--Saavedra of Canada, during the year 2025 (May to December) with the help of God, will visit Asian and African countries to meet face to face with Christian and non-Christian pastors, leaders, families and individuals. Read the instructions Here ...


Sacerdote HP Melquisedec


"You are an Eternal Priest, according to the Rite of High Priest Melchizedek."


Melchizedek: King of Salem, Priest of the mostHigh God, when Abraham returned from defeating the kings, he approached him and blessed him, receiving from him a tithe of the spoils. His name means "King of Justice" and he also bears the title of King of Salem, that is, "King of Peace." Without father, without mother and without genealogy (he was a single-celibate man of God). He is not mentioned or known, the beginning of his days nor the end of his life. By virtue of this likeness to the Son of God, he remains a priest forever and his love, service and, compassion are eternal. And this becomes much more evident if another priest arises in the likeness of Melchizedek, who is so not by virtue of carnal legislation, but by force of an incorruptible life; because he is attesting that God is alive and that his love and mercy make us perfect, without errors, never mistakes, no evil and never perversion or deviation. No mortal earthling human will have the right to withdraw the priesthood once it is granted by faith within a religious ceremony that follows the guidance of the Holy Spirit and complies with the Commands of the true Almighty God. If a "letter of excommunication" is received from any religious authority or denomination, it has no value before God and must be immediately abolished according to the just earthly law and the dignity of the human person. If someone in particular, affirms with a document that his priesthood was spiritually cremated and that his pastoral action was converted to the lay state, it is a fallacy of evil on the part of the person who exclaims or writes it. Among the aberrations of modern society are the subtle, Machiavellian and subliminal ways of using words as a manipulative strategy to try to make people believe that there are humans above other humans with more authority before God. This macabre tool is not only a sin but it harms justice and truth that only come from the heights of God and his Holy Sanctuary.


Priestly power and the ministerial vocation of service are given and received only directly from God. The bishop only transmits the succession lineage, the continuity of faith in God and everything under the power of the Holy Spirit. The miracle of using power as an instrument of faith in God occurs when the priest is immaculate without sin. Through his actions and individual testimony, we will know the true man of God. The person or groups of faith that collect tithes are swindlers. No one should give tithes to merchants of faith. Every priest must work in a civil job, produce his own food and support himself and his family.


IAL-MAAC Insteagri S.A.


Technical Institute to South America (Insteagri) - To Colombia, Brazil and Bolivarian Republic Of Venezuela: Trilingual Agro Industrial Technical Institute to develop it in the Republic of Colombia, and Federative Republic of Brazil, and Bolivarian Republic Of Venezuela (South America), within the previous National Territories. The mastermind (Leomas) believes that the main headquarters should be built near the area of influence of the Amazon jungle and 15 satellite sub-headquarters within the named territory, annexing another 3 departments: Cauca, Chocó, and Nariño (Colombia), Amazon and Bolivar (Venezuela). We have a second option to execute the project within the Amazonian territory of the Colombia, Brazil and Venezuela.


Project Insteagri Website (Spanish Language Blog) Click Here - Spanish Insteagri   


Project Insteagri Website (English Language Blog) Click Here -  English Insteagri 


Email: - Thank you -  Greetings and Blessings .....


United States Phone: +1-323-412-9337. - Canada Phone: +1.647.366-8197. 69 Aniversario Nacimiento Arzobispo Leonardo


IAL-MAAC Our truth to the world



The Old Anglo-Catholic Movement 1515 through 

The Latin-American Anglican Church 1975

Canada Office Number for Audio Message: +1-647-366-8193


To be used the 1928 Book of Common Prayer and the USA and Anglican Missals, with links to Daily Office Lessons, Mass Propers. Streamed Sunday Masses, Saints Hagiograaphies. We were organized in Latin America in 1975 under the auspices of Anglo-Catholics Missionaries who arrived in the City of Bogota, Republic of Colombia (South America) directly from England and especially from the City of London (They were The Missionaries Monk Of Saint Lawrence).


We use the Holy Bible (Reina Valera Version - Jerusalem Version, and Nacar and Colunga Version, along with the Book of Common Prayer 1928 (Spanish and English), the American and Anglican Missals, with links of piety and traditional rites, the daily lectionary of the Office of Prayer, Proper Masses of the day. Sunday Masses, special masses are transmitted, and feasts of the saints until 1535. We will celebrate those feasts of saints that in the future the Ancient Anglo-Catholic Movement incorporates. We are the founders 1975 of the Missionary Monks of Saint Lawrence, under the auspices and authorization of the Continuing Anglican Movement from England since 1970. Seventy-five percent of our parishioners are Spanish speakers, 10% English speakers, 10% French speakers, and 5% Arabic speakers. We use Spanish as the official language in most countries of Latin America, the Caribbean Sea, Equatorial Guinea, and Spain. Eighty percent of our clergy speak Spanish, 10% are bilingual (Spanish and English), 5% are trilingual (Spanish, English, and French), and the rest of our clergy speak 4 or 5 languages.


In addition, our African clerics use many ancestral languages (Afrikaans) of the African continent. To live decently, our clerics have a civil job, one or two university civil professions in addition to having completed Philosophy, Communication Sciences, and Theology. Some of our clerics are artists. All our clergy is male (married or single). Celibacy in this Church is optional. Although our Church does not have female clergy, we respect churches that have women as ministers or pastors. We do not marry same-sex couples, nor do we advocate homosexuality. We do not pursue sexual preference; we are against applying inquisitions or the death penalty to a son or daughter of God. We practice non-racism, and non-discrimination, we are against war. We do not bless armies, weapons, or governments that promote wars. We summarize our pastoral work in Love, free service, and compassion. Our religious organization does not collect tithe. Our clerics have no commitments to donate to the Mother Church. Each cleric or believer (freely and voluntarily) donates financial resources to maintain our website, the needs of the records of the Church, and the mission trips of the Archbishop Primate.


Net Ministries network Providing Free Web Pages -(for Churches, Ministries, and Charities Since 1995).To donaction: AQUÍ





1. Communication with God is individual and personal between each person and the Highest. 2. Bishops, Presbyters, Deacons, and Seminarians have the same responsibility and equality to represent faith in God and manifest his power. 3. Therefore, no one governs another within the Church of Jesus Christ, but everyone loves, serves, and sows compassion or mercy to the other. 4. No clergyman should work to feed another clergyman and even less to support another clergyman's family. 5. Every clergyman must have a civil job to live and support his blood family. 6. No bishop governs the Church only serves as the Presbyter, Deacon, or Seminarian. 7. No Presbyter should support a bishop with gifts or monthly money because they become flamboyant, lazy, and worldly. 8. Every bishop must have a productive civil job (Works) and must generate his own food and life. 9. Whoever wants to apply inquisitions or ex-communication letters, must go to seek entry to the infernal group or join religious groups that represent faith in Satan on this earth or within hell. 10. Down with the chains that religious empires and spiritual regimes have imposed on mortal earth humans with inquisitions and letters of ex-communication. 11. Man is born free and must only obey God by fulfilling the Mandates of The Creator, His Commandments with honestly abiding with civil laws without runningover harm th  freedom of others or his own conscience. 12. No earthly mortal is above another human. 13. Any offering or contribution to the church is voluntary by the believer and no believer has financial commitments to the Church. 14. Collecting tithing is theft and fraud. If we want to destroy the crooks of the faith, we must put those who collect tithing in jail. 15. Strict laws should be drafted to compel clowns who use religion to defraud those who work and produce, to seek a job worthy of their ability without cheating. 16. It is an honest way to build the true Church of Jesus of Nazareth with productive and honest men.


You can donate directly Here ... Usted puede donar directamente Aquí ... 

Können Sie direkt spenden Hier ... Pode doar diretamente Aqui ...


The Roman Church Leo X (1475-1521)


The Old Anglo-Catholic Movement 1515 through 

The Latin-American Anglican Church 1975

Canada Office Number for Audio Message: +1-647-366-8193





We inherited the Apostolic Succession from 1515 directly from Pope Leo X ...


Leo X: Secular name Giovanni di Lorenzo de' Medici (Florence, December 11, 1475 - Rome, December 1, 1521). Giovanni di Lorenzo de' Medici was the217th Pope of the Roman Church from 1513 to 1521.


Apostles Succession Line - 1. Bishops of Jerusalem; 2. Bishops from Saint David of Wales; 3. Bishops of Rome;4. Bishops of Ephesus; 5. Bishops of Lyons; 6. Bishops of Canterbury; 7. Bishops in The United States; and 8. Bishops from Albert David Chambers


Pope Leon X Biography


WHERE WE COME FROM (Origin):  We inherited the Apostolic Succession from 1515 directly from Pope Leo X ...


Apostolic Succession of the Archbishop Leonardo Marin-Saavedra


Consecration Ceremony History


Brother Leonardo Marin-Saavedra 



Place and Date:


The Cathedral of Saint Judas - Old German Catholic Church Organization,

 Huntington Beach City, California, The United States - June 15, 2003 


Consecration Ceremony Bishops Participants:


Archbishop Arthur David Seeland (The Holy Catholic Church Anglican Rite),

Bishop Juan de Dios Correa-Salazar (The Holy Hispanic Church Byzantine Rite), and

Archbishop Jorge Enrique Rodriguez-Villa (The Old Catholic Church Orthodox Rite).


Brother Leonardo Marin-Saavedra (Single Monk forever) in 2000 and 2003 was nominate as the First

Old Anglo Catholic Missionary Bishop of Americas Territories, Caribbean Territories,

and Extra Jurisdictions Worldwide Territory.


 Below are the flags of countries where we possibly have Seminarians, Candidates for Sacred Orders, Mission Stations, Parishes, Dioceses, Missionaries, Deacons, Priests, Bishops, Delegates and Representatives ...




The Old Anglo-Catholic Movement 1515 through 

The Latin-American Anglican Church 1975



Below are the flags of the countries where we have contact and dissertation to open missions in the future with Seminarians, Candidates for Holy Orders, Mission Stations, Parishes, Dioceses, Missionaries, Deacons, Priests, Bishops, Delegates and Representatives ...


Mexico IAL IAL-MAAC Mexico - Secretary Phone: +52.961.112.6194. - President Phone: +52.461.127.9309. - Diocesan Phone: +

Important Communication Teaching:


These Systems and other modern chats (Hi5, Facebook, WhatsApp, X -Twitter-, Instagram, Skype, Messenger and others more) are for meeting people, contacts and potential friends. Friendship and brotherhood is a process that is achieved by using our own intelligence well, respecting others and keeping our distance from our needs. There are rules and codes that we cannot violate. "Be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect." 


We cannot put a burden on the shoulders of others until people meet face to face. Helping is not an obligation nor is it part of trust. The will to help is done after seeing reality and knowing the truth to create ideas and projects where everyone contributes, everyone works and everyone produces for the benefit of all. Creating productive men requires changing the beggar mentality for reasoned and productive actions.


If you want others to trust you, you must know that showing the truth face to face is part of trust without asking for anything. In general, each person must say I am excellent at this and I can contribute this... so that the other can also voluntarily contribute projects freely. Once you manage to find a non-blood friend or brother, we should all know that "we should not abuse the horse and the friend" because we are left with nothing and become boring and lonely objects. 


Please teach this strategy to your people and put it into practice voluntarily, but open your mind and ask God every day for more wisdom to act perfectly.



+ Leonardo Marin-Saavedra 

The Roman Church Pope Leon X (Coat)



The Old Anglo-Catholic Movement 1515 through 

The Latin-American Anglican Church 1975

Canada Office Number for Audio Message: +1-647-366-8193





 Pope Leo XSecular name Giovanni di Lorenzo de' Medici

(Florence, December 11, 1475 - Rome, December 1, 1521). Giovanni di Lorenzo de' Medici was the 217th Pope of the Roman Church from 1513 to 1521.


Meaning of the Papal Coat of Arms of Leo X: Gold, six roels placed in a border, that of the chief in azure with three fleurs-de-lys in gold and the rest in gules. The coat of arms of Pope Leo X; It is stamped with a papal tiara. In addition, it has the keys of San Pedro attached, already with the final arrangement of one of silver and the other of gold, joined with a cord of gules. It must be remembered that the enamels on the keys were all silver, all gold, and finally one of each, and that the cords, in the beginning, were azure. It is said that the primitive weapons of the Medici (of gold, eight roels of gules, placed in a strip of three, three and two), come from the profession of apothecary (pharmacist). One of the first members of this family, since the role of the shield was intended to see aspirin represented, and the surname Medici translated from Italian is Doctors. In 1465 Louis XI of France grants him the royal role of France, as an increase in honor to Lorenzo di Piero de' Medici (Florence, January 1, 1449 - Careggi, April 9, 1492), better known as "Lorenzo".


We inherited the Apostolic Succession from 1515 directly from Pope Leo X 


IAL Logo


The Old Anglo-Catholic Movement 1515 through The Latin-American Anglican Church 1975

Canada Office Number for Audio Message: +1-647-366-8193


We are the Latin-American Anglican Church (Catholic Tradition of the Church of England). We are the Old Anglo-Catholic Movement. We are a non-profit Christian religious organization. We respect the spiritual work of all Christian and non-Christian groups. We work with all Christian and non-Christian organizations without fanaticism or fundamentalism. This Christian religious organization was born as the Anglican Christian Congregation of the Anglo-Catholic Ancient Church, in the cities of Bogotá, Madrid, and Mosquera, Republic of Colombia (South America), on December 17, 1975. Our organization, due to special and wonderful circumstances (with the help of God), moved to the United States (the Year 2000) and Canada (the Year 2003). We believe that we should love believers, atheists, agnostics, and different alike, we should all love, serve, and be compassionate. No human being should be discriminated against. We do not apply racism. No person should be belittled. We all have the right to exist as human persons. We believe that we are all free to think, speak and act as long as we respect the law, the freedom of the other, the common order for the good of all without exception.


With a group of pious and devotees' men of the Old Anglo-Catholic Christian faith, we were born in 1975, under the leadership and auspices of the Church of England. Our Church in its birth had influence, advice, and teaching of Bishops of the Corporate Order of Reunion, Bishops No Jurying of England, and under brotherhood and fraternity of clergy of the Oxford Movement. We accept doctrinal principles of the teachings of Jesus Christ Our Lord and God in his Holy Word (Bible), and the teachings of the First Church Fathers (Patristics). We believe that we continue firm and equal to Christians of the Early Church (after the kidnapping and murder of Jesus of Nazareth), complying with the requirements demanded by the 10 Commandments in the Holy Scriptures. We imitate the precepts and recommendations of the Holy Apostles, Martyrs, and the First Fathers of the Church of God when they had not yet taken over the Church, religious empires, and spiritual regimes.


Our reality and conviction: "Only obedience to God before men". In matters of doctrine and Faith, we do not obey the King or ruler. We do not follow the dogmas of the Pope or the so-called "Moderns Patriarchs". We do not accept the "Club of Cardinals and we do not support religious-political representatives or apostolic nuncios from empires of death. We pray that this cardinal apparatus of repression will disappear from sound biblical doctrine. Our clergy are willing to serve and love without distinction or discrimination. We do not seek to govern but serve and love and compassion. We will never apply inquisitions or religious dictatorships that manipulate the conscience created in freedom.


We consider ourselves a group within the great family of Christian churches. Our Head and God is Jesus Christ. We are convinced that HE (Jesus Christ) is the founder of liberties, promoter of free interpretation. We believe that God speaks directly to the individual as a human person and directly to each human heart. Faith does not need a "Human College of Inquisitor Legislators" but a group of men and women leaders who with an individual example of life, apply love, compassion, and service, with rectitude, honesty and without persecution, distributing justice and equity for all. We do not have the Truth. The truth is Jesus Christ. The Creator of all is God. The Holy Spirit is the Vicar of God on earth and his representative in all existing universes.


We believe that if a religious organization of any creed or faith is the intellectual author of murders, death bonfires, gallows, lacerations, inquisitions, persecutions, or wars, those are not Daughters of God but Daughters of the Devil and children of Satan. We will stay away from these wrong human groups and will always recognize them as false, fraudulent, inquisitors, liars, hypocrites, and accomplices of the empires of evil.


We believe that representatives of religions and those who have faith in God as clerics in any denomination, doctrine, belief or religion, do not need to live in mansions, palaces, or castles. No believer needs to use sumptuous charges for pastoral work. We all must be fed with simplicity and humility and exquisite delicacies that come from God. Every just man should avoid stealing resources from the earth, as far as possible, work so that there are no poor families or poor people on earth.


Human believers in God, we must seek perfection through a process of permanent growth without fanaticism, fight with joy so that full happiness reaches all humanity and thus we will all enjoy creation in an equitable way. The privileges and opportunities must be for all and for all. We know that there are evil men and religious groups who only become entrepreneurs of their own businesses and interests, yet we must all love them in freedom, with our sometimes extreme will applying our faith and belief as practice without persecution and never inquisition.


Jesus of Nazareth (the God we follow) warned us: "Be very careful with some men who present themselves as timid, exalted and honest people, possibly in their hearts lives a ferocious wolf and their testimony of life betrays them. they are demons who descend from the hell of the Great Satan to the earth to defraud the nobleman and deceive the wise, yet no earthly human mortal should hate but love No believer in any spiritual group should accept the "death penalty, the gallows and never Laceration "of other human bodies because it is an abomination to God the Creator Whoever murders has no forgiveness from God and his matter will be eternal dust.


Welcome with any kind of support and ask


If you want to help, discuss, discuss or suggest, contact us so that you know how we live and what person in the world we know requires your help and voluntary company. It is a great opportunity to serve and love without the need for chest strokes. We must be a practical and pragmatic Church.


We respect precepts, dogmas, and doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church and its headquarters in Rome. However, at this time we do not have any intercommunion or union agreement. Our Church delegated bishop to establish dialogue, rapprochement, and brotherhood, with each of the member bishops and Dioceses of the Roman Catholic Church as well as with the representatives and ecclesiastical authorities of the Vatican. The Latin American Anglican Church and the Anglo-Catholic Movement are inviting to unity, intercommunion and/or brotherhood, all the groups of Churches with Anglican, Catholic, or Orthodox Christian heritage named below:


National Catholic Church of Poland, Traditional Anglican Church, Church of Anglican Catholic Tradition, Church of England, Church of Scotland, Union of Churches of Utrecht, Liberal Catholic Church, Ancient Catholic Churches of any jurisdiction, Canonical Orthodox Church, Orthodox Non-Canonical Church, Brazilian Catholic Church, Mexican Catholic National Church. Lutheran Catholic Church, Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States and its affiliates in Latin America and the Caribbean Sea, Gallican Church of France and Canada, Catholic Churches of the Anglican Rite, Methodist Catholic Church, Wesleyan Catholic Church, other groups following the Catholic tradition and delineation and that they have apostolic succession.


In relation to small groups that make up some Old (ancient), Roman Catholic Churches will also be admitted as long as they are true representatives of the Faith. They must First voluntarily seek union and demonstrate that they are transparent men of faith and not businessmen with interests of a commercial nature. or "people" with ambitions to the money represented in goods (movable or immovable).



The Old Anglo-Catholic Movement 1515 through The Latin-American Anglican Church 1975

Canada Office Number for Audio Message: +1-647-366-8193


The Old Anglo-Catholic Movement through the Latin American Anglican Church forcefully protests against the Migration Institute of Mexico, for the violations of human rights, the mistreatment of migrants and immigrants who arrive in Mexican territory, and for the murder of Latin American men cremated in one of the Mexican prisons in the Juarez City, Chihuahua State, Mexico, in the last week. 



First of all, we thank God and His Divine Majesty for life and well-being, relatives, clergy, friends, and parishioners, for messages, letters, phone calls, text messages, gifts, and financial donations that they sent to Archbishop Leonardo Marin Saavedra. , on the occasion of the 67th Birthday Anniversary, celebrated on December 17, 2022. God multiplies you with abundance, kindness, generosity, love, and solidarity, and all the happiness desired by our primate archbishop.






The Old Anglo-Catholic Movement 1515 through The Latin-American Anglican Church 1975

Canada Office Number for Audio Message: +1-647-366-8193







Lay Minister: The Lay Minister is licensed by the bishop and given temporary charge of a parish. They may conduct services and if so licensed by the bishop may read the gospel in public worship and give homilies of their own composition to a congregation. This is normally the first step for a man wishing to become a Priest

(It is voluntary work, and our Church does not assume social responsibility or economic support).


Sub Deacon: Sub Deacon is an ordained position with the same duties and responsibilities as a Lay Minister. This ordination is normally given to a student in Seminary (It is voluntary work, and our Church does not assume social responsibility or economic).


Deaconess: A Deaconess is a woman who has been set apart for service in the church. She is ordained and her duties are the same as a Deacon (It is voluntary work, and our Church does not assume social responsibility or economic).


Deacon: This is normally the second step to becoming a priest. A man wishing to become a deacon must be ordained in person and may be placed in charge of a parish. In addition to the duties of a lay minister and subdeacon, he may read the Gospel, give homilies, Solemnize Marriage, conduct Funeral Services and Baptize (It is voluntary work, and our Church does not assume social responsibility or economic).


Priest: The priest in the Latin-American Anglican Church (The Old Anglo-Catholic Church) and The Conservative Anglican Church of North America is a man who is normally placed in charge of a parish. He must be ordained in person. He may conduct all services except those reserved for the bishop

(It is voluntary work, and our Church does not assume social responsibility or economic support).


Bishop: May be placed in charge of a diocese and is vested with all the sacraments of the church. To be consecrated as a bishop, a man must be a priest to be considered for this role in the church

(It is voluntary work, and our Church does not assume social responsibility or economic support).


Archbishop: An Archbishop is a Bishop who has oversight of more than one Bishop.


Presiding Bishop: The Presiding Bishop is a Bishop who has been elected by the College of Bishops and has oversight of the church. He is always considered an Archbishop

(It is voluntary work, and our Church does not assume social responsibility or economic support).


IAL Leader Representative Instrument: Being a representative of the Latin-American Anglican Church (IAL) is a responsibility of high office that is given to a cleric (or parishioner) to represent the Church in all matters concerning business and diplomatic representations (It is a voluntary work and our Church does not assume social responsibility or economic support) to the government of the nation where he is a citizen to the representative or the city where there resides or where an evangelical mission of the Church is done.


IAL Leader Apostolic Delegate Instrument: It is the appointment that is given to a cleric with the functions of bishop or archbishop to assume authority with responsibility and can work for the Church, as the Archbishop of the religious organization or Supreme Patriarch Spiritual (It is a voluntary work and our Church does not assume social responsibility or economic), running legal actions, ecclesiastical and religious they are supported and approved by the College of Bishop of the Latin-American Anglican Church (IAL) and the Universal Church.


IAL Leader Apostolic Incardination Instrument: It is the appointment given to a cleric as a member incardinated to our jurisdiction and as a clerical authority of our Church with specific functions such as Seminary, Deacon, Deaconess, Presbyter, Bishop, Archbishop (It is a voluntary work and our Church does not assume social responsibility or economic), or Layperson committed to a specific voluntary civil work or remunerated according to a contract agreed upon in both parts or of a transitory nature for a specific task in one of the countries of the planet earth.


Entering the ministry is a crucial step and must not be taken lightly. Men and women who have decided to enter full or part-time ministry must be of good moral character and bear the fruit of the spirit. You begin the process by sending your resume and contact information to IAL: or A bishop will discuss your ministry goals, education, and spiritual development with you, and determine the program you must complete.



Net Ministries network - Providing Free Web Pages for Churches, Ministries, and Charities Since 1995.



The Old Anglo-Catholic Movement 1515 through The Latin-American Anglican Church 1975

Canada Office Number for Audio Message: +1-647-366-8193



Communicated to the Christian Public opinion:


The Old Anglo-Catholic Movement 1515 through the Latin-American Anglican Church 1975, was aware of the proliferation of Christian Groups of unrecognized Anglo-Catholics, who present themselves as such with "sacred" facts that lend themselves to confusion and possible fraud, and the faith of several ministers called by God to the real priesthood in Jesus Christ, be they deacons, priests or bishops, has been damaged, after having reunited the College of Former Anglo-Catholic Bishops of the United States, Latin America, Canada and Europe (November 2021) ...

It makes it known:
1. We are willing to initially hold "A Virtual Encounter" with all clergy (Deacons, Priests, or Bishops), who wish to join the Old Anglo-Catholic Movement, to legalize their official affiliation and continue working together for the Evangelical cause of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
2. We can ratify the religious orders and ministries ordained to all those voluntarily summoned, we will deliver membership credentials, documents supported by our official registry with the United States Government, and membership, once the history of each of the candidates.
3. The College of Bishops of the Ancient Anglo-Catholic Movement 1515, may distribute the positions attached to the historical episcopate, clarifying that Anglicans (are Episcopalian-Protestants, Anglican Catholics, or Old Anglo Catholics) will never hold the title or distinction of Patriarch and only the highest authority has the responsibility and dignity with the honor of the archbishop, with simplicity and humility as the man of faith, worthy servants of the altar of the Highest and bearers of the Real Apostolic Succession with the imposition of the hands of a single Archbishop or single Bishop (unmarried), accompanied by two married or single bishops witnesses.
4. We must clarify that we only ordain men to the apostolic successor dimension as Deacons or priests and that we only consecrate new bishops to men dedicated to the ministry and with several years of serving the Church of Jesus Christ.
Historical Note: Since the early years of the Christian movement, married bishops can only ordain deacons and priests (married or single), and the only ones who can consecrate new bishops are single (unmarried) bishops or archbishops (Leadership Standards). Married bishops or archbishops in any Christian denomination cannot consecrate a new bishop. If a married bishop dares to consecrate a new bishop, the act is an abomination, and the alleged consecrated person commits fraud in the faith. Jesus Christ never married and never begot a biological child. For this reason, we believers are all his spiritual children. The word single (unmarried) means without a wife, without a husband, and without sexual practices of any nature. One must start from the top down in purifying the Church of God on earth. Purity, chastity, respect, and without corruption (without addiction), so that we are true instruments of the Holy Spirit.
It is issued in the city of Los Angeles, California, on the 27th day of November of the year of Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe 2021. Communicate and distribute the information to all men and women of goodwill who have faith in God, through his Son Jesus Christ inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Saint Lawrence (pray for us), Saint Stephen (pray for us), and Saint Mary of Walsingham (pray for us).
You are welcome,
Primate Archbishop of IAL. - International President of MAAC.
Church Email: Public Email: 
USA Office Phone: +1.323.412.9337. - Canada Office Phone: +1.647.875.4597. 

You can donate directly Here ... Usted puede donar directamente Aquí ... 

Können Sie direkt spenden Hier ... Pode doar diretamente Aqui ...

Saint Lawrence Patriarchy Logo


The Old Anglo-Catholic Movement 1515 through The Latin-American Anglican Church 1975

Canada Office Number for Audio Message: +1-647-366-8193.


Important Note: We have a plan scheduled from August 1, 2023, and the last week of December 2026, to explain the very serious famine problem that is approaching the planet from the year 2028. We will travel with God's help, to each of the countries of both Latin America and the Caribbean Sea including all the communities of native peoples that inhabit the extensive region of the Amazon Jungle of Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, and Peru. We will also be giving lectures about the Famine that is coming in Canada, the United States, England, and Spain. Organized human groups must prepare for the famine and multiply the information and strategies that we present to other groups in each country to survive the tragedy. If you want to sponsor this mission and finance travel, personal needs, and small items, we appreciate making a voluntary financial contribution as a donation to our organization's account through PayPal: Here - May God multiply your help and your solidarity.

Also, keep us in mind in his prayers.



Patriarchy Saint LawrenceWe are members of the "One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic, British Church of Jesus Christ". This Christian Catholic religious organization was born with help of the British traditionalist clergy in the year of Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe 1975. 


 In the year of Our Lord Jesus Christ 1975 and inspired by the Holy Spirit was born the Patriarchate Saint Lawrence with the help of God and on the initiative of lay committed, religious men with the Church of God to unite our Group under the designs of the Creator in a single family of FAITH. 


"We are members of the "One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, British Church of Jesus Christ".


Archbishop Scott E McLaughlin



The Old Anglo-Catholic Movement 1515 through The Latin-American Anglican Church 1975

Canada Office Number for Audio Message: +1-647-366-8193







Archbishop Scott Earle McLaughlin was the Presiding Bishop of the Orthodox Anglican Church, the Metropolitan Archbishop of the Orthodox Anglican Communion, and the Chancellor of Saint Andrew's Theological College and Seminary. On 1 May 1999 McLaughlin was consecrated as a bishop by Herbert M. Groce, Metropolitan Archbishop of the Anglican Rite Synod in the Americas, assisted by Bishop Larry Shaver of the Anglican Rite Synod in the Americas, and Bishop Robert J. Godfrey of the Orthodox Anglican Communion.


His apostolic succession is Anglican, Old Catholic, and Orthodox. McLaughlin served as suffragan bishop until 30 April 2000, when Bishop Godfrey retired. He was then elected Presiding Bishop of the Orthodox Anglican Church and the Metropolitan Archbishop of the Orthodox Anglican Communion. He was the fourth archbishop to lead the Orthodox Anglican Communion and the Orthodox Anglican Church. He was married with four children: two sons and two daughters. McLaughlin was a signatory to the Bartonville Agreement and a covenant of intercommunion with the Most Revd Augustin Bacinsky, Archbishop of the Old Catholic Church in Slovakia.


On June 23, 2003 (in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, The United States), Archbishop Scott Earle McLaughlin and the Bishops of the Orthodox Anglican Communion nominated and elevated to The Most Reverend Leonardo Marin-Saavedra (After 7 days that His Excellency had received his Episcopal Consecration) as Primate Archbishop of the Latin-American Anglican Church and endorsed his appointment as International President of the Old Anglo-Catholic Movement with the endorsement of all bishops of the College of Bishops of the Orthodox Anglican Communion. 


In 2007, 2008, and 2009, the Orthodox Anglican Communion extended its protection, succession, legal and ecclesiastical protection, to all the Bishops consecrated by the Latin-American Anglican Church, in Venezuela, Colombia, Canada, the United States, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Spain, England, Belgium, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Bolivia, and in other nations in Asia and Africa, with facts, church ministry, mission stations, and established missions. In 2012, on Ash Wednesday, McLaughlin announced his retirement effective Easter Sunday and nominated T. Creighton Jones of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to be his successor. This nomination was confirmed by a vote of the General Convention of the Orthodox Anglican Church on June 9, 2012.


Archbishop OAC Logo





The Anglican Orthodox Communion was established in 1964, (the Orthodox Anglican Communion was later formed to oversea the churches abroad). The Anglican Orthodox Communion was one of the first such communions to be formed outside of the See of Canterbury and therefore is not part of the Anglican Communion. The Anglican Orthodox Communion adheres to the doctrine, discipline, and worship contained in the classic Anglican formularies, especially in the 1662 English, 1928 American, 1929 Scottish, and 1962 Canadian Books of Common Prayer. The presiding bishop of the American branch of the communion, known in the United States as the Anglican Orthodox Church, serves as the metropolitan of the global communion. The communion has over one million members worldwide, with branches in North and South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. The first regional conference of bishops was convened by the communion's primate at the Imperial Hotel in Kisumu, Kenya on August 24, 2009.


History: The church was founded by Episcopalians who withdrew from the Episcopal Church in 1963. The new jurisdiction was incorporated in the state of North Carolina in March 1964. Its founders intended to establish a conservative and low-church alternative to the Episcopal Church. Episcopal polity with apostolic succession was maintained with the consecration of its first bishop on Passion Sunday in 1964 by bishops of Eastern Orthodox and Old Catholic lineages. In 1999, Bishop Robert Godfrey and a majority of the church's clergy met in committee and determined to align the church more closely with the Continuing Anglican churches in worship style. A name change was also made. In opposition, lay leaders and standing committee close to the founding bishop and a small minority of the clergy subsequently started a new church and incorporated anew as

the Anglican Orthodox Church International (AOCI).


On April 30, 2000, Godfrey retired as Presiding Bishop in favor of his suffragan bishop, Scott Earle McLaughlin. In 2005, the jurisdiction changed its name from the Episcopal Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of America to the Orthodox Anglican Church. Godfrey and McLaughlin were signatories to the Bartonville Agreement in 1999. In 2007, McLaughlin signed a Covenant of Intercommunion between the OAC and the Old Catholic Church in Slovakia, represented by the Most Revd Augustin Bacinsky. The Old Catholic Church of Slovakia seceded from the Utrecht Union in 2004 because of the Union's approval of women's ordination and same-sex blessings. On Ash Wednesday 2012, McLaughlin announced his retirement and the nomination of Creighton Jones of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, to be his successor. That nomination was confirmed by the General Convention on June 9, 2012. Jones was consecrated as a bishop and enthroned as the presiding bishop and Metropolitan archbishop on July 21, 2012, at the Anglican Church of the Good Shepherd in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.


In 2014, the church celebrated 50 years as a jurisdiction of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church and also marked the 50th anniversary of its incorporation in the state of North Carolina (March 6, 2014). On November 16, 2014, Archbishop Jones announced his retirement and nominated his suffragan, Thomas Gordon, to be his successor. On April 18, 2015, a special general convention of the church was held and delegates from the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico unanimously approved of the nomination. Thomas E. Gordon was enthroned the same day as the sixth Presiding Bishop of the Orthodox Anglican Church and the Metropolitan of the Orthodox Anglican Communion. The Apostolic succession is the method whereby the ministry of the Christian Church is held to be derived from the apostles by a continuous succession, which has usually been associated with a claim that the succession is through a series of bishops. Christians of the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Old Catholic, Moravian, Hussite, Anglican, Church of the East, and Scandinavian Lutheran traditions maintain that "a bishop cannot have regular or valid orders unless he has been consecrated in this apostolic succession". Each of these groups does not necessarily consider the consecration of the other groups as valid.


This series was seen originally as that of the bishops of a particular see founded by one or more of the apostles. According to historian Justo L. González, apostolic succession is understood today as meaning a series of bishops, regardless of see, each consecrated by other bishops, themselves consecrated similarly in a succession going back to the apostles. According to the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue Between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church, "Apostolic Succession" means more than mere transmission of powers. It is the succession in a church that witnesses to the apostolic faith, in communion with the other churches, witnesses of the same apostolic faith. The "see (cathedra) plays a significant role in inserting the bishop into the heart of ecclesial apostolicity", but once ordained, the bishop becomes in his church the guarantor of apostolicity and becomes a successor of the apostles.


Those who hold for the importance of apostolic succession via episcopal laying on of hands appeal to the New Testament, which, they say, implies a personal apostolic succession (from Paul to Timothy and Titus, for example). They appeal as well to other documents of the early Church, especially the Epistle of Clement. In this context, Clement explicitly states that the apostles appointed bishops as successors and directed that these bishops should in turn appoint their own successors; given this, such leaders of the Church were not to be removed without cause and not in this way. Further, proponents of the necessity of the personal apostolic succession of bishops within the Church point to the universal practice of the undivided early Church (up to AD 431), before it was divided into the Church of the East, Oriental Orthodoxy, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Roman Catholic Church. Some Protestants deny the need for this type of continuity, and the historical claims involved have been severely questioned by them, Anglican academic Eric G. Jay comments that the account is given of the emergence of the episcopate in Chapter III of the dogmatic constitution Lumen Gentium (1964) "is very incomplete, and many ambiguities in the early history of the Christian ministry are passed over".


MAAC Leonardo Marin-Saavedra in London, England, UK (2016)
MAAC Leonardo Marin-Saavedra in Huntington Beach, California, USA (2003)
MAAC Leonardo Marin-Saavedra in Huntington Beach, California, USA (2003)
MAAC Leonardo Marin-Saavedra in London, England, UK (2016)
MAAC Leonardo Marin-Saavedra in Brussels, Belgium, Europe (2016)
MAAC Leonardo Marin-Saavedra in London, Ontario, Canada (2008)
MAAC Leonardo Marin-Saavedra con el Periodista Japones Yuki Kitazumi in Tokio, Japan (2002)
MAAC Leonardo Marin Saavedra in Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2005)
MAAC Leonardo Marin-Saavedra in Bogota, Colombia, Sur America (Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano 1995).
MAAC Leonardo Marin-Saavedra in Bogota, Colombia, Sur America (1972)
MAAC Leonardo Marin-Saavedra in Madrid, Spain, Europe (2019)
MAAC Leonardo Marin-Saavedra with Brother Marin-Saavedra in Bucaramanga, Colombia, Sur America (1980)
MAAC Leonardo Marin-Saavedra in Ontario, California, USA (2010)
MAAC Leonardo Marin-Saavedra in Caracas, Venezuela, Sur America (2012)
MAAC Leonardo Marin-Saavedra in Houston, Texas, USA (2000)
IAL-MAAC + Leonardo



Information: If it is the will of God, starting in the month of August, Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ 2025, the Ancient Anglo Catholic Movement 1515 through the Latin American Anglican Church 1975, will deliver the Ecclesiastical Bull as "Archbishop Emeritus of the Americas" to + Leonardo Marin-Saavedra, who will retire as a religious authority, but will continue to be the Worker of Jesus Christ as the Eternal Priest of God, according to the Rite of Melchizedek. + Leonardo, was at the head of the religious organization for the last 22 consecutive years from the United States of North America. The ceremony of granting credentials to the Emeritus along with the Enthronement of the new one, will be carried out with the help of the Almighty, on December 17 of the Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ 2025 in the Cathedral of Saint Mary of Walsingham (In the city of Houston, Texas, United States of North America. Members of the IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the USA will participate in the event and ceremony), accompanied by each of the member bishops from countries in Latin America and the Caribbean Sea, and associate guest bishops from various Christian denominations around the world. Bishops and clergy from different Churches and some allied Christian denominations were invited to the unique event that will continue the mission of the Holy Apostles through the Anglo Catholic Missionaries.


69th Birthday Anniversary Archbishop Leonardo



The Old Anglo-Catholic Movement 1515 through The Latin-American Anglican Church 1975

Canada Office Number for Audio Message: +1-647-366-8193



Protest against the Venezuelan Roman Church Inquisition: The Anglican Church of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Independent of the Anglican Communion of Canterbury), publicly manifests, denounces and protests the outrage, persecution and inquisition, orchestrated both by the Dioceses of the Venezuelan Roman Catholic Church as well as for embarrassing and shameful acts, carried out by deacons, priests and bishops, representatives of the Vatican State in Venezuela and in various sister nations. Therefore, the Old Anglo-Catholic Movement through the Latin American Anglican Church, presents a greeting of peace and asks all Christians of excellent will of the peoples of the earth as brothers in the same faith, solidarity with this cause that has us on the verge of a human-social catastrophe, the life of independent Anglican clergymen and other denominations on the planet, is in grave danger, their honor and truth, are injured from the Roman pulpits with unpleasant acts and unjust acts , gestated by their spokesmen from the Roman parishes in each jurisdiction where as miserable and petty they make a presence. Virtual Public Protest Link - Sign the Petition: HERE


Archbishop Leonardo



The Old Anglo-Catholic Movement 1515 through 

The Latin-American Anglican Church 1975 

Canada Office Number for Audio Message: +1-647-366-8193



Who is our Archbishop Primate? - Brother Leonardo Brief History



His Excellency Leonardo Marin-Saavedra was born in the municipality of Puerto Nare, Department of Antioquia, Republic of Colombia (South America) on December 17 (1955). His Beatitude is a Canadian citizen since 2000. He was baptized by the Roman Rite by the presbyter Carlos Arturo Duque-Ramirez, on January 8 (1956), in the Parish San Luis Beltrán of Puerto Nare (Antioquia), and registered by his parents civilly in the Mayor's Office of Floridablanca, Department of Santander, the Republic of Colombia on August 30 (1956). He was confirmed by the Roman Rite in the city of Madrid on August 7, 1970. 


Legitimate son of Francisco Antonio Marín-Aguilar (Marún-Morón), and Zoraida Saavedra-Silva. Maternal Grandparents: Luis Felipe Saavedra-Rodríguez and Maria de la Cruz Silva-Rueda. Paternal Grandparents: Francisco Antonio Marin (Marún)-Morón and María Alejandrina Aguilar-Moros. His biological parents contracted holy marriage for the Roman Rite on 25 December (1948), in the Parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of the city of Barrancabermeja, Department of Santander, Republic of Colombia. Occupation religious ceremony priest José Arango-Uribe (SJ). They were godparents of the wedding: Juan de Dios Rueda-Silva and Sara Saavedra-Silva. 


When the man of God Leonardo reached his 20th birthday, he made vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and gave his life to Christ by entering the Missionary Order of the Anglican Missionaries Monks of San Lawrence (1975). He was ordained Deacon on August 7 (1987), and Priest on December 8 (1988), in the city of Bogotá, the Capital of the Republic of Colombia. On July 21 (1997), in the city of Medellín, Department of Antioquia, Colombia, Bishop Juan Bautista García-Germain from Puerto Rico and Delegate for the Anglican Church in America (ACA) on its faith a 'Sub Conditional" Priestly Ordination to officially incorporate it into the Anglican Continent Movement of the Americas and support its mission for the Christian world.


His Excellency was consecrated as Bishop on 15 June 2003 in  Huntington Beach city, California, United States of North America. On December 17 (2004), in the city of London, England (UK), His Excellency Leonardo was nominated for Archbishop dignity by the Independent Anglican Communion of Europe. On July 21 (2005), in New York City (NY), United States, he was elevated in a private ceremony as Anglo-Catholic Primate Archbishop by the Orthodox Anglican Communion of the United States, England, and Canada.  


Your marital status: Single forever (celibate). If he falls in love and God sends him a woman as his wife-mate, His Beatitude can break the vows of chastity and marry. The civil status of celibacy in any branch of Anglicanism is optional and is not for life. Every man or woman has the right to fully develop their own sexuality freely without consulting a perverse Sanhedrin inquisitor.  Brother Leonardo Marin-Saavedra has a Degree in Philosophy, a Bachelor of Theology, a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish and Literature, a Doctor of Philosophy, a Doctor of Theology, a Doctor of Divinity, a Degree in Drama, and a Doctor of Business Administration.


He has a Degree in Communications and Computer Technology. He work as a teacher at all levels including the university for more than 25 consecutive years. His Excellency is Spanish Writer and Classic Dramatist into civil life.




Justice through peace and dignity: If human actions contradict the written laws, we affirm that such authors are frauds, liars, and hypocrites. If an action restricts freedoms and violates Human Rights, we know that we are still cavemen. Peace with dignity must distribute privileges and opportunities to all without distinction. Those who encourage racism or discrimination is a criminal, whom no one should trust or follow. Wise men build peace. The ignorant run wars. Fools do not know love... YES 




The Old Anglo-Catholic Movement 1515 through The Latin-American Anglican Church 1975

Canada Office Number for Audio Message: +1-647-366-8193


 Invitation to Participate Great Christian Meeting 2024
Beloved brothers, sisters, friends, contacts in Christ Our Lord:
At the main headquarters of the Leonardo Marin-Saavedra Foundation (USA Subsidiary - "Funda-Leomas") in the city of Bogota, D.E. (Republic of Colombia, South America), with the sponsorship of the Old Anglo-Catholic Movement of Mexico, the United States, and Canada, through the Latin American Anglican Church of the United States, the Great Christian Encounter between "Christian Sisters Churches" will be held with work together as members of the Church of Jesus Christ under the Throne of God and create strategies of solidarity, friendship, fraternity, and familiarity.
 The Christian event will take place between February 10, 2024 and February 25, 2024 (From 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.). Each delegation will be sponsored with three days of stay and participation with defined hours, and established in their schedule. Delegations that wish to stay other days will bear their own expenses. This singular event will have the presence and participation of representative churches of ancient Catholics, Old Catholics, Celtics, Roman Catholics, independents, Anglo-Catholics, Old Anglo-Catholics, Gallicans from Canada and France, Methodists, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Wesleyans, Lutherans, Congregational, Pentecostal, Foursquare, Evangelical, United, Anglicans, Orthodox Anglicans, Orthodox, Charismatic, Unitarian, and others that will also be invited from all continents.
If you or your Church wishes to participate, you can call or send a text message directly to the number in the United States, giving the information of the Church, your travel needs and the names of the participants (+1-323-412-9337). You can also confirm by sending a message to the communications email: .
We hope against your presence and if you fail to participate, put us in your prayers and prayers.
Greetings and blessings,


IAL Communications Spokesperson - OACC Communications Director.
Please learn by reading our Leadership Standards 


IAL Logo



The Old Anglo-Catholic Movement 1515 through The Latin-American Anglican Church 1975

Canada Office Number for Audio Message: +1-647-366-8193


IAL en Español - IAL en Ingles 


Con Registro Federal del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica - Año 2000 - (Actualización Año 2019)

Con Registro Mercantil del Estado de California de los Estados Unidos - Año 2003 - (Actualización Año 2019)



Complaint Against ECUSA - Mexican Branch Church: The Old Anglo Catholic Movement 1515 from England, through the Latin-American Anglican Church 1975 from Canada, the United States and Mexico, with the authorization of Archbishop Leonardo Marin-Saavedra of Canada and the Approval of the College of Bishops of IAL USA , presents a "Public Protest" against the Episcopal Church of Mexico Affiliate of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States.



Tel. IAL Canada: +1.647.766.4597 - Correo IAL Canada:  

Tel. OACM USA: +1.323.412.9337 - Correo OACM USA: 

Tel. MAAC Mexico: +52.961.112.6194  - Correo MAAC Mexico:

Leomas Foundation Colombia Phone: +57.310.448.5113 - Correo Fundacion:

Internacional IAL WhatsApp: +1.647.875.4597 - Internacional OACM Correo:

Tel. IAL Peru: +51.971.087.362 - Correo IAL Peru:


 MAAC Donación: AQUÍ - Normas de Liderazgo: Aquí  - PatrocinadoresAQUI


Audios Arzobispales - Leo-Místicas Agenda Arzobispal



The Old Anglo-Catholic Movement 1515 through The Latin-American Anglican Church 1975

Canada Office Number for Audio Message: +1-647-366-8193


En primer lugar, damos gracias a Dios y a Su Divina Majestad por la vida y el bienestar, familiares, clérigos, amigos y feligreses, por los mensajes, cartas, llamadas telefónicas, mensajes de texto, regalos y donaciones económicas que enviaron al Arzobispo Leonardo Marín Saavedra. , con motivo del 67 Aniversario del Cumpleaños, celebrado el 17 de diciembre de 2022. Dios les multiplique en abundancia, su bondad, generosidad, amor y solidaridad, y toda la felicidad deseada a nuestro arzobispo primado.




All independent Catholic clergy from Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela, (any Anglican, Orthodox, or old Catholic denomination), who require assistance for pastoral care or for Church group projects, should contact the

WhatsApp number of Canada: +1.647.875.4597.


We inform our sponsors that our organization is negotiating a property in the city of Bogotá, Republic of Colombia, South America, where it will lay the foundations to start the University and the Trilingual Agro-Industrial Technical Institute. The entity will provide educational services to vulnerable sectors of Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela.

Here is the property in question ...





The Old Anglo-Catholic Movement 1515 a través The Latin-American Anglican Church 1975

Canada Office Number for Audio Message: +1-647-366-8193 


Audios Arzobispales - Leo-Místicas Agenda Arzobispal: I Semestre 2023 -   

Normas de Liderazgo: Aquí - PatrocinadoresAQUI - Donación: AQUÍ




All Area Codes Canada and the United States



Expedido en ciudad Elizabeth, New Jersey, a Quince (15) días, mes de abril,

Año de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo 2016.



Anglo catolicismo - Anglos Suramericanos 

Anglos Mexicanos - Anglos Colombianos  


Audios Arzobispales - Leo-Místicas Agenda Arzobispal: I Semestre 2023 -   

Normas de Liderazgo: Aquí - PatrocinadoresAQUI 



You can donate directly Here ... Usted puede donar directamente Aquí ... 

Können Sie direkt spenden Hier ... Pode doar diretamente Aqui ...




The Old Anglo-Catholic Movement 1515 through The Latin-American Anglican Church 1975

Canada Office Number for Audio Message: +1-647-366-8193


El Movimiento Antiguo Anglo-Católico a través de la Iglesia Anglicana Latino-Americana protesta enérgicamente contra el Instituto de Migración de México, por las violaciones a los derechos humanos, el maltrato a personas migrantes e inmigrantes que llegan a su territorio, y por el asesinato de latinoamericanos incinerados en una de las cárceles mexicanas, en la ciudad Juárez, Estado de Chihuahua, México, en la última semana. LA POLITICA MIGRATORIA DE MEXICO MATA Y SUS FUNCIONARIOS INCINERAN EL HUMANISMO.



The Old Anglo-Catholic Movement 1515 through 

The Latin-American Anglican Church 1975

Canada Office Number for Audio Message: +1-647-366-8193






Donación: AQUÍ - Net Ministries network - Providing Free Web Pages for Churches, Ministries, and Charities Since 1995.



Ecclesiastes 12 (Latin American Bible): 


1. Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come, and the years that approach, of which you will say: 'I expect no more of them,' 2. before the sun, the light, the moon and the stars are darkened, and the clouds return as soon as it has rained. 3. When the guards of the house tremble, and the doorkeepers bow down, when what is left of the teeth stops grinding, and those who look behind the windows go blind. 4. Then the street door closes and the noise of the mill stops; in which the trill of the bird does not wake up and the songs die. 5. The climbs and ravines on the road are feared; The almond tree is in bloom, the locust is full, the caper bears its fruit. There the man goes to his eternity house, and the weeping girls are already on the corner of the street. 6. The silver thread will go no further: they stopped spinning it; The golden lamp broke, the pitcher broke at the fountain, and the pulley of the well gave way. 7. The dust returns to the earth from whence it came, and the spirit ascends to God who gave it. 8. This doesn't make sense! Qohelet said, nothing to cling to! 9. Qohelet was a wise man, who taught knowledge to the people; he weighed, examined and corrected many proverbs. 10. Qohelet sought to polish his sentences and express truths in a very direct style. 11. The words of the wise are like stings; A collection of sentences is like a fence whose stakes have been assembled by the same shepherd. 12. Don't add anything to it, my son: why more and more books? There is no end to this, and too much study exhausts the body. 13. Conclusion of the speech: everything has been said. Fear God and observe his commandments: everything is there for man. 14. For God will judge all actions, even what is hidden, both good and evil.


God I Love God - God love me





Santa Biblia Reina Valera Spanish Version


Incluye Audio en cada Capítulo 














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1 Samuel

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2 Samuel


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1 Reyes

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2 Reyes

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1 Crónicas

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2 Crónicas

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1 Corintios

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2 Corintios

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1 Tesalonicenses

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2 Tesalonicenses

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1 Timoteo

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2 Timoteo

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1 Pedro

1 2 3 4 5

2 Pedro

1 2 3

1 Juan

1 2 3 4 5

2 Juan


3 Juan





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The Old Anglo-Catholic Movement 1515 through The Latin-American Anglican Church 1975

Canada Office Number for Audio Message: +1-647-366-8193


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Können Sie direkt spenden Hier ... Pode doar diretamente Aqui ...



Email Archbishop Leonardo Marin-Saavedra: 


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